Wednesday, March 14, 2007


MARCH 2007

Spring is coming. Despite the upset of Government Daylight Saving Time we are still muddling through. Missing our furry friends still - wanting to have someone in my life that is not to do with this world of money, Iraq, Haliburton and bills. But there are still other foor footed felines that talk. But the are not Scamp and they do not live with us. Sadness because Sylvester has also left us. Even though he did not live with us he was a welcome addition to the the family. His owner sent this picture.

The daffodils have arrived and the tulips are on the way. The gardens are blossoming. It is almost Spring. The Pineapple Express has brought warm rain to these shores which is strange and somehow unsettling. But, at last, I am able to pick up on some more normal tasks. Actualitycat survives .......

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